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The vacation I experienced at Peace Retreat was incredible. I truly came home and reflected about how I would not have changed a single thing- every detail was lovely and every concern was taken care of. The meals were tropical, tasty, and satisfying. The yoga studio let the breeze and jungle sounds in while we practiced on our mats. The sunsets from my rooftop balcony in the penthouse suite were breathtaking. But what it really came down to were the hosts: Hali & Kevin went above and beyond all expectations to make the experience perfect. I'm already planning my next trip back!  Infinite love.

Zoe January, 2013


Zoe's yoga was so amazing, and it was obvious that somehow she tailored it perfectly to our trip and to Costa Rica and our glorious retreat with a "theme" every time we practiced!Playa Negra and Peace Retreat were so cool and very spiritual for me with surrounding natural beauty, clean air and water, good food.Everything was perfect, from our hosts Hali, Kevin and little Bili Be and their generosity, to everyone we met along the way.It was Pura Vida for me and my best vacation ever!

 Irma, January, 2013


I can not tell you what a wonderful and insightful time I had in costa rica with everyone. It was a trip filled with many ascensions for me -I was reading a book about Angels (Conversation with Angels) in my cabina - I got to zip line which felt like flying - and I felt uplifted on a vibrational level by everyone I met on the trip, the food we ate, and of course the amazingly varied and challenging yoga classes and meditations. I dont believe that my signing up for this yoga retreat was a coincidence - I'm really grateful that I stumbled upon the retreat and everyone else who attended and facilitated the event. The experience has helped me begin 2013 in such a positive, peaceful and hopeful way.  

Michelle, January, 2013


If you want hard, punishing, hurtful yoga this is not that. After one full week at Peace Retreat I am returning home nurtured, enlivened and at peace. This is a natural beautiful, healing place of profound simplicity. The yoga strengthened my body, and my joints are open. I feel surging vitality and flexibility I have not known for years. I feel and look younger. From the moment I arrived I was embraced, accepted and included. I simply took a deep breath and began to relax. I had no idea how much stress I was living with until I let go. If you want to strengthen, heal, relax and rejuvenate this is the place. Come soon you will love it.

Ron Bynum, San Francisco, California, December, 2012


I am 67 year old woman and have been doing yoga for about 11 years. I have tried all kinds of yoga over the years and never become attached to any particular flow. My 7 days at Peace Retreat was amazingly fun, transformative and the best experience I have ever had doing yoga! The Real Evolution flow is the most organic yoga I have ever done…i.e. my body loved it! This flow felt natural, rigorous but without stress.  I was more relaxed each day. I learned so much from Kevin and Hali and my fellow yogis… the kind of learning that was and is sustainable; physically, mentally and spiritually. The week was well beyond my expectations. Kevin is by far the best teacher I have ever had …his clarity, energy and ability to teach in a way that melts resistance and makes the fine points of improving your practice so doable. Though Hali only taught one of our classes she has many of the same gifts ….her knowledge of the structure and anatomy of the human body is extraordinary. Peace Retreat itself is a wonderful and beautiful environment, a perfect atmosphere and climate for letting go, relaxing and enjoying the Costa Rica that most of us never experience.  Hali and Kevin are extraordinary, warm, and generous hosts. I will go back every year. I recommend everyone I know, those just learning or long time practitioners, to go and experience Peace Retreat!
Jackie Eiting Baltimore, Maryland, December, 2012


From the moment I arrived on Peace Retreat's property, I felt at home. Kevin & Hali made sure that every detail of our stay was met and I felt a real sense of truly stepping away from my busy life. I recommend any group - yoga, travel, surf, etc. , to check out this unique venue set on a tranquil piece of land in un-crowded Playa Negra.

Mark White, Owner, MBody Yoga, Florida, USA, March, 2011.


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