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Playa Negra

Driving Directions

From Liberia International Airport, drive towards Santa Cruz (it is a right hand turn onto the highway from the airport). Just before the bridge at the entrance of Santa Cruz, turn right and follow the signs to Playa Junquillal, Paraiso and others.

After 17 km on a paved road, you will cross a bridge. Take the first turn to the left after the bridge and then the first turn to the right following signs to Paraiso and Playa Junquillal (you should see the first signs to Playa Negra too).

After another 17 km on the newly paved road, you will reach Paraiso (it is a T-intersection). At Paraiso's soccer fields, turn right following the sign to Playa Negra.

Follow the dirt road for about 6.5km and you will pass a small store named Las Tecas (skateboard park is next to the store), after the store you will take the first right hand turn - you will see surf boards that say yoga with a peace symbol on them at the corner.

Follow the road about 5-minutes you will see another surf board on your left attached to a gate turn left into the driveway. Follow the driveway to the end and you will be at Peace Retreat.

map & directions


Peace Retreat is only a one-hour drive from Liberia International Airport.

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